Fill in the blanks in the following statements. To check your answers, click show answers. (Your wording may vary from ours.)

Core subjects and interdisciplinary themes

  1. To promote student understanding of academic core content at a much higher level it is important to weave into instruction.
  2. Twenty-first-century interdisciplinary themes include
    1. , , , and

Learning and Innovation

  1. The focus of the 4Cs, , , , and , are essential to prepare students for the future.

Information and Technology

  1. Information and media technology include the following three literacies:
    1. , , and
  2. To apply technology effectively, student use technology as a tool to , , , and .

Life and Career

  1. Life and career skills include
    1. and
    2. and
    3. and -
    4. and
    5. and

Support Systems

  1. Twenty-first-century support systems include , , , , , and .
  1. To promote student understanding of academic core content at a much higher level it is important to weave 21st century interdisciplinary themes into instruction.
  2. Twenty-first-century interdisciplinary themes include
    1. global awareness
    2. financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy
    3. civic literacy
    4. health literacy
    5. environmental literacy
  3. The focus of the 4Cs, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration, are essential to prepare students for the future.
  4. Information and media technology include the following three literacies:
    1. information literacy
    2. media literacy
    3. information, communication, and technology literacy
  5. To apply technology effectively, student use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
  6. Life and career skills include
    1. flexibility and adaptability
    2. initiative and self-direction
    3. social and cross-cultural skills
    4. productivity and accountability
    5. leadership and responsibility
  7. Twenty-first-century support systems include standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional development, and learning environments.