Small group action plan
For each item, select the appropriate category. Note that some items
may be incorrect and will not fit any category at all!
- Students discipline problems will improve
- Sixth-grade students with at least one discipline referral first 40 days of school
and referred by teachers for low academics.
- Why Try curriculum kit
- October 2016 – January 2017
- Ongoing
- Discipline data and academic data
- Relationship building
- Reality ride
- Labels
- Defense mechanisms
- Motivation formula
- Climbing out
- Jumping hurdles
- Desire, time, and effort
- Lift the weight
- The wall
- Pre- and post- student survey; pre- and post- teacher survey
- 75% of 6th-grade students will have no more discipline referrals,
improved classroom behavior as reported by teachers, and a 10% improvement in grades
by the end of the school year.
- Goal (SMART)
- Target Group
- Data to Identify Students
- ASCA Domain/Standard/Mindsets
- Outline of Group Sessions to Be Delivered
- Resources Needed
- Process Data (Projected number of students affected)
- Perception Data (Type of surveys to be used)
- Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data to be collected)
- Project Start/End