Based on the school counselor scenario below, determine the most appropriate
rating for standard 2. If the rating is less than distinguished, when you click the correct rating,
you will see suggestions for improvement.
Mrs. Thomasson regularly shares information at staff meetings to help
faculty understand how to foster positive school climate for diverse learners while also modeling
desired behaviors herself. At the beginning of this school year, she worked with the school
principal and School Improvement Team to conduct a school climate survey with staff, students
and parents. Based on that survey data, she has implemented a peer mediators program and
school-wide character education focus in which she works with teachers on activities that
integrate character education and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports into their
content areas. Mrs. Thomasson conscientiously communicates high expectations for all students
and is very creative with selecting materials and activities that counteract stereotypes and
embrace diversity. After sharing at a district school counselors PLC meeting how she is
collaborating with teachers to integrate character education representative of diversity,
Mrs. Thomasson presented this same information in a break out session at the NCSCA state
conference. She also serves on the 504 team, helping to develop customized plans to meet
student needs and adapts her own counseling services with the diverse needs of students in mind.
She and the school social worker, school nurse, and school psychologist meet monthly to discuss
needs of students, effective interventions, and community resources that can help meet needs.
Each year, they, along with the School Counseling Advisory Council plan parent involvement
activities, one of which is sponsored by the district Title I director and held at a Latino
church with Spanish translators.