Matching evidences and descriptors

For each evidence listed below, decide which rating is the most appropriate, and drag each evidence into the appropriate column. If you prefer, you can also do this activity using a form with radio buttons. Some browsers may work best with (or show only) one or the other format; use the one that works best for you.

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  1. Standard 2, Element b

    Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world. Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of the history of diverse cultures and their role in shaping global issues. They actively select materials and develop lessons that counteract stereotypes and incorporate histories and contributions of all cultures. Teachers recognize the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and other aspects of culture on a student’s development and personality. Teachers strive to understand how a student’s culture and background may influence his or her school performance. Teachers consider and incorporate different points of view in their instruction.

    Evidence Ratings
    Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
    Showing respect for diversity and differences
    Knowing students and being aware of the diversity in the classroom
    Displaying knowledge of one’s own cultural background and identity
    Showing empathy for others
    Recognizing that a student’s background influences his/her development and attitudes about the world and meeting that student where he/she is
    Using articles with contrasting points of view in a lesson
    Integrating materials in lesson that counteract societal stereotypes
    Using diversity to one’s advantage in the classroom by having parents participate in/plan activities to expose students to a variety of cultures and backgrounds.
    Embedding culturally-sensitive materials throughout the curriculum
  2. Standard 3, Element c

    Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines. Teachers know the links and vertical alignment of the grade or subject they teach and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teachers understand how the content they teach relates to other disciplines in order to deepen understanding and connect learning for students. Teachers promote global awareness and its relevance to subjects they teach.

    Evidence Ratings
    Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
    Showing awareness of interconnectedness
    Displaying knowledge of world issues and events
    Showing in-depth knowledge of events that have shaped and continue to shape the world and the relevance to the curriculum
    Documenting links between grades and/or subjects in lesson planning
    Demonstrating knowledge of both horizontal and vertical alignment and relating content to other disciplines.
    Integrating global events and activities consistently throughout lesson planning
    Collaborating with colleagues to integrate various disciplines and make connections for students
    Sharing ideas for integrating global awareness throughout the school
  3. Standard 3, Element d

    Teachers make instruction relevant to students. Teachers incorporate 21st century life skills into their teaching deliberately, strategically, and broadly. These skills include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self- direction, and social responsibility. Teachers help their students understand the relationship between the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and 21st century content, which includes global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy and health awareness.

    Evidence Ratings
    Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
    Connecting curriculum to life in the 21st century
    Accessing resources and artifacts to help students connect what they are learning with their lives
    Explaining the relevance of what students are learning to their lives outside of school
    Including activities that allow students to connect the curriculum with technology tools of the 21st century
    Helping students make global connections across the curriculum
    Integrating core content with 21st century content themes consistently
    Designing activities that require students to adapt, solve problems, and develop collaborative skills
    Engaging students in group activities that value and require personal productivity and accountability
    Requiring students to consistently take responsibility for their own learning and encourages students to seek knowledge beyond class requirements.
    Using simulations, court cases, debates, legislative actions or other real-life applications to enhance instruction and help students make connections