Evaluating Feedback

Read each example of feedback and determine whether it is effective, then mark it with the green check for "effective" or the red X for "not effective." Incorrect answers will be marked immediately, and you’ll see a notification when you’ve answered all correctly.

If you prefer, you can use a basic (unstyled) version of this form.

  1. That’s good work.
  2. In your story, you wrote three sentences.  Two sentences were about your trip.  One sentence was about your cat.  In your next story, work on writing only about one event or topic so that all of your sentences are about “a trip” or “your cat”.
  3. After the fire drill, you were able to get right back to work in your math stations without any reminders.
  4. B+
  5. You named these letters in your name correctly.  These are the letters you need to work on next.
  6. I like that.
  7. You made the same mistake again.
  8. The word “form” has different meanings and you used it correctly both times when you said, “I will form a mountain and then fill out a form to show what I did!”.  
  9. When you counted your collection, I noticed that you moved each object you counted to help you keep track of the objects that you counted.  How might you keep track of what you’ve counted if you couldn’t move the objects?
  10. Please fix.
  11. You used the Word Wall to help you find and spell the word that you were looking for.  That seems like a strategy that worked for you since you wrote that word accurately. 
  12. You need to work on this.
  13. Your work doesn’t look like Maria’s or Jung’s work.
  14. Before your group began to work on that problem, you all gathered all of the materials first so that you had everything you needed before you got started.
  15. Well done!
  16. Details?
  17. Many of you used the checklist we wrote together to make sure that you completed all of the assigned tasks.
  18. I noticed that when you weren’t sure of what to do after I gave the directions, you walked up to the picture chart to see what you needed to do next.  That strategy seemed to help you figure out what you needed to do next.