Type a + before each statement with which you agree. Type a the - before each statement with which you disagree.
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All students can learn and come to school motivated to do so.
I react differently to a student when he/she does not meet my expectations.
Most students tend to be encouraged by challenges.
A teacher’s confidence in their students’ potential is related to the teacher’s confidence in their skills needed for teaching successfully.
Differential treatment can result in an increase in IQ.
Students should only set goals for success criteria that they believe will help them reach their goals.
Most students see their future achievement as a fixed entity.
The way a teacher seats students in a classroom can communicate expectations.
Cuing practices can impact communication of expectations.
Simply having a relationship that conveys high expectations can develop self-efficacy.
Many principals have more confidence that teachers can teach the Common Core than they have that the Common Core will benefit students.
Many educators are not confident that the Common Core will improve student achievement and better prepare students for college and the workforce.
Student growth is highly dependent on what happens as a result of schooling rather than on demographic factors.
The most significant use of EVAAS projections is the indication of how a student will likely perform on a future test.
Pre-service teachers should be required to have training that outlines the risks of inequitable expectations and provides suggestions for changing negative perceptions.
Typically, experienced teachers offer a deeper degree of challenge and an increased depth of processing for their students.
I should be held accountable for measured student achievement.
The NC teacher evaluation rubric adequately addresses having high expectations for students.
Expectations are the internal belief systems of the adults in schools.
There are measurable and observable indicators of schools having high expectations.