Rating Scale: Developing to Distinguished

Standard 1. Strategic Leadership

Element D. Distributive Leadership

The principal/assistant principal creates and utilizes processes to distribute leadership and decision making throughout the school.

Click each level in the table below to view required attributes.

  • Seeks input from a variety of stakeholder groups, including teachers and parents/guardians.
  • Understands the importance of providing opportunities for teachers to assume leadership and decision-making roles within the school.

All of the above, and...

  • Involves parents/guardians, the community, and staff members in decisions about school governance, curriculum and instruction.
  • Provides leadership development activities for staff members.

All of the above, and...

  • Ensures that parents/guardians, community members and staff members have autonomy to make decisions and supports the decisions made as a part of the collective decision-making process.
  • Creates opportunities for staff to demonstrate leadership skills by allowing them to assume leadership and decision-making roles.

All of the above, and...

  • Encourages staff members to accept leadership responsibilities outside of the school building.
  • Incorporates teachers and support staff into leadership and decision-making roles in the school in ways that foster the career development of participating teachers.