Rating Scale: Developing to Distinguished

Standard 3. Cultural Leadership

Element B. School Culture and Identity

The principal/assistant principal develops and uses shared vision, values and goals to define the identity and culture of the school.

Click each level in the table below to view required attributes.

  • Understands the importance of developing a shared vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals to establish a school culture and identity.

All of the above, and...

  • Systematically develops and uses shared values, beliefs and a shared vision to establish a school culture and identity.

All of the above, and...

  • Establishes a culture of collaboration, distributed leadership and continuous improvement in the school which guides the disciplined thought and action of all staff and students.

All of the above, and...

  • Ensures that the schoolÕs identity and changing culture (vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals) actually drives decisions and informs the culture of the school.