Standard 4 Scenarios

Below are some scenarios involving teachers’ work relating to Standard 4. Decide which rating would be most appropriate based on each scenario, then drag each scenario into the appropriate column. (You’ll only be able to drop it in the correct column.) If you prefer, you can also do this activity using a form with radio buttons. Some browsers may work best with (or show only) one or the other format; use the one that works best for you.

Standard 4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students.
Scenarios Ratings
Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished
Ms. Phillips uses pacing guides and curriculum maps to create her lessons. She also uses benchmark assessments and knows that data is an important tool for planning instruction. She attends all meetings.
Mrs. Sullivan consistently provides opportunities for her students to work collaboratively. She purposefully groups students to ensure successful learning experiences. Mrs. Sullivan uses tips from Stephen Covey’s book “The Leader in Me” to build leadership in her students.
Ms. Ball consistently uses her questioning skills to promote higher level thinking skills. Her questions help guide students toward developing their own understanding by encouraging them to think creatively, synthesize knowledge, and draw their own conclusions. She models problem solving within her classroom instruction.
Mr. Trivette models the use of technology as a part of his daily practice and life. He attends professional development on a regular basis and shares the 21st century skills with his colleagues. Mr. Trivette requires his students to produce technology-based 21st century products for assessment.