In the left column is a list of artifacts that might be used in developing a consolidated performance assessment. Match the artifacts to the descriptions in the right column by dragging each description to the artifact it describes. (Note to touch screen users: You may need to tap the target category after you drop the data type onto it. If you have trouble, try opening the activity in its own window.)


School Improvement Plan
A plan that includes strategies for improving student performance, how and when improvements will be implemented, use of state funds, requests for waivers, etc. Plans are in effect for no more than three years.
School Improvement Team Data
Work from a team made up of the school executive and representatives of administration, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, teacher assistants and parents of children enrolled in the school whose purpose is to develop a school improvement plan to strengthen student performance.
North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey
A statewide survey of teacher working conditions in five areas — time, empowerment, facilities and resources, leadership and professional development — conducted on a biennial basis (See
Student Achievement Data
Student achievement/testing data available from the North Carolina School Report Card. (See
Student Dropout Data
Data about grade 9–12 students who drop out of high school. (See
Teacher Retention Data
The teacher turnover rate, including the distribution of inexperienced teachers.
National Board Certified Teachers
Teachers who have earned National Board Certification.
Professional Development
Staff development, based on research, data, practice and reflection that focuses on deepening knowledge and pedagogical skills in a collegial and collaborative environment.
Work or related documents of the school’s parent, teacher, student association