Licensure Quiz

Answer each of the following question about the licensure process in North Carolina. The questions will appear one at a time, and you will receive feedback after answering each question. If you answer a question incorrectly, the correct answer will be highlighted.

  1. Standard Profession 1 Educator’s Licenses are intended for teachers with years of teaching experience.
  2. SP1 licenses are valid for years.
  3. What is your first step for applying for a professional educator’s license in North Carolina?
  4. Your transcripts do not have to be an original.
  5. If you submit inaccurate information to the licensure division, you will not be allowed to be employed by the state of North Carolina.
  6. There are 7 steps to apply for a North Carolina Professional Educator’s License.
  7. How much does it cost to apply for a professional educator’s license?
  8. Lateral entry is an alternate route to teaching that allows a school system to hire someone with at least a bachelor’s degree as a teacher with the assumption that over the next three years the person being hired will complete a teacher education program through a college, university, or a Regional Alternative Licensing Center (RALC).