Drag each description on the right to the term on the left that it describes. (Note to touch screen users: You may need to tap the target category after you drop the data type onto it. If you have trouble, try opening the activity in its own window.)


The ability to respond or react without attention or conscious effort.
Translating the alphabet letters into recognizable sounds (e.g., the letter f makes the /F/ sound).
In spelling, a process by which students segment sounds of a word, translate each phoneme into its corresponding letter or letters, then spell the word.
A letter or letter cluster represending a single speech sound (e.g. i, igh).
The study of the structure of words; the component of grammar which includes the rules of word formation, including derivation, inflection, and compounding.
The initial consonant sound of a word, e.g. /s/ in sun or /sl/ in slide.
The writing system of language; specifically, the correct sequence of letters, characters, and/or symbols.
The smallest unit of speech that distinguishes one word from another (e.g. the t of tug or the r of rug).
A teaching approach that gives attention to letter-sound correspondences in the teaching of reading and spelling.
Rime unit
The vowel and any following consonants within a syllable, e.g. -ag in tag.
A unit of spoken language.