Below are some scenarios involving teacher leadership specialists. Decide which element of standard 4 each scenario best relates to, and drag each scenario in the left-hand column into the column for the appropriate element — either a, b, c, or d.. If you prefer, you can also do this activity using a form with radio buttons. Some browsers may work best with (or show only) one or the other format; use the one that works best for you.
Scenarios | Elements | |||
a. Teacher leadership specialists deliver a continuum of support strategies to maximize educator effectiveness. | b. Teacher leadership specialists employ a variety of resources to help educators improve their effectiveness. | c. Teacher leadership specialists effectively employ appropriate and available technology as they support educators. | d. Teacher leadership specialists incorporate the Framework for 21st Century Learning to enhance educators’ instructional planning and assessment. | |
A TLS meets with a beginning teacher to discuss his pedagogical and content strengths and areas which need improvement. The TLS and the beginning teacher determine immediate action steps towards improvement. Together, they developed professional development goals to place in the online NCEES system. | ||||
A TLS has disseminated a professional development survey to her staff. From this survey, she will determine appropriate professional development needs for specific individuals or groups of teachers. | ||||
In order to assist the growth and development of a master teacher in her school, a TLS asks her to lead a PLC where she can demonstrate her unique formative assessment strategies. | As a group of teachers begin to design a new unit of study for 3rd grade science, the TLS develops and shares a list of online instructional resources that they can use. | |||
As a new TLS at an elementary school, she notices a lack of teacher instructional resources in the media center. After speaking to the media coordinator and the administration at the school, she was able to purchase and add several new resources to the collection. | ||||
A high school English department is finding collaboration to be difficult. The TLS designs a peer collaboration protocol which assists them in learning from one another and sharing instructional strategies and resources on a regular basis. | ||||
The middle school just received a technology grant which enable them to begin a 1 to 1 Chromebook program with students. Teachers have no experience with using Chromebooks to enhance their instruction, therefore the TLS provides PD to assist her teachers to effectively use the new devices for instruction. | ||||
Teachers on a data team would like to create common formative assessments. The TLS asked them if they have ever used the assessment builder found in Schoolnet. Their response was, “Schoolnet what?” Therefore, the TLS facilitates a session to teach them how to use create assessments in Schoolnet. | ||||
In order to monitor the ongoing needs of the teachers in her school, the TLS designs and disseminates a Google spreadsheet which will allow teachers to post their instructional needs on a regular basis. She also designs a wiki for each grade level to post innovative practices. | ||||
A TLS meets with a PLC team on a regular basis. He notices that the team does not have a protocol for effectively analyzing and discussing the data they collect. He suggests that they utilize a data analysis protocol which will encourage effective analysis and problem solving strategies for the team as they plan instruction and future assessments. | ||||
The TLS has noticed teachers struggling with integrating project based learning (PBL) to engage students in relevant and meaningful activities. She decides to gather the teachers to brainstorm various PBL strategies and strategies that will prepare students for the future. | ||||
The TLS would like to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of instructional strategies. He decides to design a wikispace where teachers can post innovative practices. |