1. Training and Orientation
  2. Self-Assessment, Goal Setting, and Pre-Conference Planning
  3. Observation Cycle
  4. Summary Evaluation
Training and Orientation
Step 1 includes the training and orientation of all teachers and evaluators using the Teacher Evaluation Process.
  1. Component 1. Training. Before participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals, and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process.
  2. Component 2. Orientation. Within two weeks of teachers’ first day, the principal will provide:
    • a rubric for evaluating North Carolina teachers,
    • Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number TCP-C-004, and
    • a schedule for completing the evaluation process.
Self-Assessment, Goal Setting, and Pre-Conference Planning
Step 2 addresses the teacher’s self-assessment, the setting of goals for professional development plans, and planning for the pre-conference to be held between the teacher and evaluator prior to classroom observation.
  1. Component 3. Teacher Self-Assessment. Using the Rubric, the teacher shall rate his/her performance and reflect on his/her performance throughout th year.
  2. Component 4. Pre-Observation Conference. Before the first formal observation, the principal meets with the teacher to discuss self-assessment, professional growth plan, and a written description of the lesson(s) to be observed. The goal is to prepare the principal for the observation.
Observation Cycle
Step 3 consists of the evaluator’s observation of the teacher as well as their pre-conference and post-conference.
  1. Component 5. Observations.
    • A formal observation lasts 45 minutes or entire class period and is conducted by a principal or assistant principal.
    • Informal observations may be conducted by peers.
    • The comprehensive evaluation (required for teachers in their first 3 years) includes 3 formal and one informal observation.
    • The standard evaluation inclues one formal observation plus two additional observations that may be formal or informal.
    • The abbreviated evaluation includes two informal observations on standards 1 and 4 only.
  2. Component 6. Post-Observation Conference. The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation to discuss strengths and weaknesses and to document them on the Rubric.
Summary Evaluation
Step 4 covers the teacher’s summary rating and goal setting for the next year.
  1. Component 7. Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form. Prior to the end of school the principal conducts a summary evaluation conference with the teacher to discuss components of the evaluation. At the conclusion:
    1. Give rating for each element in the Rubric.
    2. Comment on any “Not Demonstrated.”
    3. Give overall rating for each standard. Provide teacher with opportunity to add comments to the Summary Rating Form.
    4. Review completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with teacher.
    5. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form.
  2. Component 8. PD Plans.
    • Individual Growth Plan: if Proficient or better on each standard
    • Monitored Growth Plan: if at least 1 rating of Developing
    • Directed Growth Plan if receives Not Demonstrated or Developing rating for 2 sequential years