For each pair of goals, click the thinker whose goal is SMART.
The game will continue until you’ve found all the SMART goals. The icons
at the bottom will keep track of your score.
By May 2015, I will increase technology integration in my lessons by 40%,
as evidenced by lesson plans and observations.
By Spring 2015, I will differentiate instruction to benefit all students 100% of the time,
as evidenced by lesson plans, formal observations, and walkthroughs.
By January 2015, I will include questions at the evaluating and creating levels in
at least 80% of my lessons, which will be evidenced by lesson plans, observations, and
peer coach feedback and notes.
By January 2016, I will reduce discipline referrals in my third period class by 30%,
which will be evidenced by classroom discipline logs and office discipline data.
By March 2014, I will facilitate four instructional technology workshops based on
staff needs assessment results, as evidenced by presentation materials and sign-in sheets.
By Spring 2014, I will increase student growth for my academically gifted students by 10%,
as evidenced by benchmark assessment scores and EOG data.
By May 2015, I will meaningfully integrate global awareness into at least 5 lessons per week,
as evidenced by lesson plans, observations, lesson video, and mentor observations and notes.
By April 2014, I will purposefully plan for students to examine different points of view
in at least 4 lessons per week, which will be evidenced by my school-wide Paideia Seminar plans,
lesson plans, and observations.
By May 2015, I will increase technology integration in my lessons by at least 25%.
By Spring 2015, I will differentiate instruction to benefit all students, as evidenced
by lesson plans and observations.
By January 2015, I will include questions at the evaluating and creating levels
in at least 80% of my lessons.
I will reduce discipline referrals in my third period class by 30%,
which will be evidenced by office discipline data.
By March 2014, I will facilitate technology workshops for the staff.
I will increase student growth for my academically gifted students by 10%,
as evidenced by benchmark assessment scores and EOG data.
By May 2015, I will meaningfully integrate global awareness into as many lessons
as possible, which will be evidenced by lesson plans, observations, lesson video,
and mentor observations and notes.
By April 2014, I will purposefully plan for students to examine different points of view
in at least 4 lessons per week.