UDL Module: Scripts for Voki videos


Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Design. I am happy to see that you have decided to complete NCDPI's online learning module on Universal Design for Learning, or UDL.

This module is divided into four sections. It begins with a brief overview of UDL, its history and basic concepts. The second and third section, which will take most of your time, will send you to another website to complete two self-directed learning modules. These modules are created and hosted by CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology. CAST is a nonprofit research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through Universal Design for Learning.

The first of the two CAST modules is an Introduction to UDL. In the second, you will Apply the UDL Framework to Lesson Development.

This NCDPI module concludes with a self-assessment and reflection. Upon completion of all activities, you will be able to print a certificate recording your participation.

Are you ready to begin? Proceed to the next page for an overview of UDL.

Transition to CAST module #1

Now you're ready for the first CAST module, Introduction to UDL. This module explains the three principles of UDL, the connection of UDL to neuroscience, and the impact of UDL on curriculum. Click the link below to go to the CAST website. When you're finished, return here and proceed to the next page.

Transition to CAST module #2

Now that you have completed Module 1 on the CAST website, you are ready to begin Module 2: Applying the UDL Framework to Lesson Development. Module 2 targets the areas of instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments. Click the link below to go to the CAST website. When you're finished, return here and proceed to the next page.


Let’s review what we've covered and check for understanding. Now that you have completed both CAST modules, take a few minutes to reflect on your learning experience. Please rank your response to the statements in the form below.


In conclusion, I would like to ask that you implement the components of UDL in your daily teaching practice. The concepts you have learned will assist all students in achieving success. Please share your knowledge of UDL with your colleagues and encourage them to use UDL as part of their own practice.

Thank you for participating and for working to continually improve your practice!