This chart lists the standards and elements of the professional standards for various classes of North Carolina educators. To highlight common themes and language, some standards and elements have been rearranged. For clarity, the original numbers and letters appear on the chart.
The text of this chart is taken from the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards, the North Carolina School Speech-Language Pathologist Evaluation Process, and North Carolina draft standards for school library media coordinators, instructional technology facilitators, school psychologists, school social workers, and school counselors. Please be aware that draft standards are currently (fall 2012) under evaluation and are subject to change before implementation. For more information and the full text of the standards, please consult the NCDPI website.
To expand the chart: Click on a number in the left column to view elements under that standard.
teachers |
teacher leadership specialists | school library media coordinators |
instructional technology
facilitators |
school psychologists |
social workers |
school counselors |
speech-language pathologists |
1 |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership |
demonstrate leadership, advocacy, and collaboration | demonstrate leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and ethical practices |
a. lead in their classrooms |
a. lead in their school(s)/discipline(s) |
a. lead in the school library media
center and media program to support student success |
b. lead an instructional technology program that supports 21st century teaching and learning | a. work cooperatively with school
personnel to accomplish the goals and objectives of the local education
agency |
b. demonstrate
leadership in the school |
b. model collaboration |
b. lead in
their schools |
a. demonstrate 21st century
leadership in the school |
a. demonstrate leadership in the schools | a. demonstrate leadership in the school | a. demonstrate leadership in the school | b. provide appropriate information
on an informal or formal basis regarding speech, language, and hearing
programs |
d. promote and facilitate effective
collaboration among educators within and beyond the school setting |
e. supervise graduate interns, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and other professionals (as appropriate) | |||||||
c. lead the teaching profession |
c. advocate
for effective media programs |
b. enhance the school psychology profession | b. enhance the social work profession | b. enhance the counseling profession | ||||
d. advocate for schools and students |
c. advocate for students, educators, schools, and sound educational programs |
c. advocate for effective instructional technology programs | c. advocate for students, families, schools, and communities | c. advocate for students, families, schools, and communities | c. advocate for schools and students | c. maintain records of the speech-language program and prepare periodic reports as required | ||
e. demonstrate high ethical
standards |
d. demonstrate high ethical standards |
d. demonstrate high ethical standards | e. demonstrate high ethical
standards |
d. demonstrate high ethical standards | d. demonstrate high ethical standards | d. demonstrate high ethical standards | d. adhere to established rules,
regulations, laws, and appropriate ethical standards |
2 |
establish a respectful environment for a diverse population
of students |
support an environment that is respectful of a diverse population of students |
build a learning environment that meets the instructional
needs of a diverse population of students |
4. build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of all students | promote a respectful environment for diverse populations |
promote a respectful environment for diverse populations |
promote a respectful environment for a diverse population of students | promote a respectful environment for a diverse population of students |
a. provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults |
a. model respectful communication strategies |
a. promote an environment in which each student has positive nurturing relationships with caring adults |
a. promote an environment in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults |
a. foster a school environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults |
c. promote effective interpersonal relations with students |
b. embrace diversity in the school community and in the world |
b. differentiate professional learning to meet the diverse learning needs in the school/district |
a. establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning needs of all members of the school community | a. establish a participatory learning environment that facilitates collaboration among all members of the learning community and honors diversity | b.use a global perspective to embrace diversity in the school, home, and community |
b. embrace diversity in the school, home, community, and world |
b. embrace diversity in the school community and in the world |
c. treat students as individuals |
b. provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of development. | b. seamlessly integrate content-area curricula with 21st century content, effective pedagogical practices, universal design principles, and appropriate technology applications for all learners | c. support high expectations for all students |
c. treat students as individuals |
c. treat students as individuals |
b. adjust intervention strategies based upon student performance |
d. adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs |
e. provide services that benefit students with unique needs |
d. provide services that benefit students with special needs |
d. recognize students are diverse and adapt their services accordingly |
e. work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students |
d. work collaboratively with students and families |
e. work collaboratively with families and significant adults in the lives of students |
e. work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of students |
a. provide consultation to parents, speech-language pathologist[s] and other appropriate school personnel |
3 |
know the content they teach |
incorporate adult learning strategies and effective teaching and learning practies as they implement change |
implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program |
2. demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices in a 21st Century learning environment | use their knowledge of the school environment, child
development, and curriculum and instruction to improve student
achievement |
apply the skills and knowledge of their profession within
educational settings |
understand and facilitate the implementation of a
comprehensive school counseling program |
understand and facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive approach to speech-language development |
a. align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study |
a. align support for educators with the NC Professional Teaching Standards |
a. develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning |
a. use effective pedagogy to infuse the curriculum with 21st century content and tools |
a. deliver comprehensive services unique to their specialty area | a. deliver comprehensive services unique to their specialty area | a. align their programs to support student success in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study |
a. collaborate/consult with classroom speech-language pathologists in the management of speech-language disorders |
b. know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty |
b. use their knowledge of the structure and content of the NC Standard Course of Study to support educators |
[see 4b] |
b. know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty |
b. possess effective communication skills |
b. understand how their professional knowledge and skills support and enhance student success |
f. apply a systematic workload model to facilitate and organize the speech-language program within the school and schedule interventions using a variety of service delivery models | ||
c. recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines |
c. apply their understanding of the dynamic nature of teaching and learning |
b. recognize the relationship between the school environment, curriculum and instruction, and the impact on the student learner |
c. recognize the interconnectedness of academic, social, emotional, and psychological development and societal challenges |
c. recognize the interconnectedness of the comprehensive school counseling program with academic content areas/disciplines |
b. coordinate speech-language services with student services provided by other school personnel |
c. seek the assistance of speech-language pathologists, parents and others to meet the communication needs of students | ||||||||
d. make instruction relevant to students |
e. plan and deilver professional support |
c. serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use of information and technology | c. model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning | c. facilitate student acquisition of twenty-first century skills |
d. facilitate student acquisition of twenty-first century skills |
d. develop comprehensive school counseling programs that are relevant to students. |
d. consult/communicate with non-school agencies to enhance services |
d. develop comprehensive school psychological services that are relevant to all students |
e. make recommendations and referrals for audiological/medical and related services |
4 |
facilitate learning for their students |
facilitate the growth and development of educators |
demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote
effective instructional practices |
3. facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive 21st Century
instructional technology program |
support student learning through the use of a systematic
problem-solving approach |
support student learning |
promote learning for all students |
promote learning for all students |
a. know the ways in which
learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of
intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their
students. |
a. deliver a continuum of support strategies to maximize educator effectiveness |
c. promote reading as a foundational skill for learning | a. know how students learn |
a. conduct speech, language and
hearing screening, administer formal and informal assessments, and
obtain additional diagnostic information from appropriate persons and
available records for speech-language purposes |
b. plan instruction appropriate for their students |
b. know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty | a. serve as a specialist, fostering the effective use of digital tools and resources for constructing and sharing knowledge using inquiry-based instruction | b. plan their programs for the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students |
d. plan and deliver evidence-based interventions appropriate for individual students and groups of students | ||||
c. use a variety of instructional methods |
b. employ a variety of resources to help educators improve their effectiveness | a. use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills | a. use a variety of strength-based methods |
a. use a variety of strength-based methods |
c. use a variety of delivery methods |
c. demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, including
the Extended Content Standards, in management of communicative disorders |
e. use evidence-based methods and techniques appropriate to stated objectives | ||||||||
d. integrate and utilize technology in their instruction |
c. effectively employ appropriate and available technology as they support educators |
e. help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills |
d. incorporate the Framework for 21st Century Learning to enhance educators' instructional planning and assessment |
b. help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills |
b. help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills |
d. help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills |
f. help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities |
c. support students as they develop leadership qualities |
c. support students as they develop leadership qualities |
g. communicate effectively |
d. possess effective communication skills |
[see 3b] |
e. use and promote effective listening and communication skills |
h. use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned |
b. analyze and interpret information to make recommendations regarding the need for speech-language services | |||||||
5 |
reflect on their practice |
engage in and facilitate reflective practice |
reflect on their practice |
actively reflect on their practice |
reflect on their practice |
actively reflect on their practice |
actively reflect on their practice |
reflect on their practice |
a. analyze student learning |
a. assess the effectiveness of the support they provide and revise their practices based on findings |
a. analyze student learning |
a. use formative and summative
assessments to collaboratively analyze data and evaluate other
indicators of student learning to inform instruction |
a. analyze the impact of the school psychological services on student learning |
a. analyze student learning |
a. analyze the impact of the school counseling program |
b. analyze the impact of comprehensive speech-language services on student learning |
b. link professional growth to their professional goals |
b. base their own professional development activities on the needs of those they serve |
b. link professional growth to their professional goals |
b. link professional growth to their professional goals |
b. link professional growth to their professional goals. |
b. link professional growth to their professional goals |
b. link professional growth to the needs of their school and their program goals |
a. engage in continuing education and professional growth activities related to speech-language-hearing and education. |
c. function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment |
c. function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment |
c. function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment |
c. function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment |
c. function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment |
c. function effectively in a complex dynamic environment |
c. facilitate reflective practice in others |